Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Library time at the Zoo

I love efficiency. Combine an outing to the zoo with library time. Seriously, can it get any better than that? The kids and I went to "Wild Tuesdays Storytime". This was Molly's first storytime experience so I sat with her. The kids were given a juicebox and Zoo animal crackers (appropriate, huh). Molly did pretty good sitting and loved the juicebox. We were read 3 animal books, then we met one of the zoo keepers.
There was a really cute craft activity to wind up the hour. I was very impressed with the whole thing. Molly picked up her "Eager Reader" card so she can read books, report back and get a prize. We may just have to make reading time at the zoo a weekly occurrence this summer.

I didn't get any pics of Molly during storytime but here are a couple others from our zoo day. Toby seemed to enjoy the outing. Actually he just slept through the entire thing.

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