Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring arrives...on our porch

This past week we have spent some time on the front porch. We've worked on making our porch inviting by painting and adding some decor (another post in the making). God's creation has been adding her own beauty to our porch, specifically to the Boston fern we have on a hook.

On Friday Molly, Toby & I were watering our ferns when we found Mrs. "Robin") had a perfect little nest built in one of the ferns. Note, two eggs...

On Saturday, we were loading up the car to leave for Dallas. I told my Hubby that I wanted to check to make sure the eggs were still ok. Mrs. Robin had added a surprise to the nest...

Sunday night. We got home from Dallas later than expected. After getting the kids put in bed I decided to check on the eggs once again. I gently tapped on the hanging basket so Mrs. Robin wouldn't be surprised by my interruption. Upon taking the fern down again, we were surprised to find Mrs. Robin has been very industrious. Now there are FOUR!

Isn't it so neat to see God's handiwork displayed in the Spring greens, gentle (and not-so-gentle) rains, and in the new life around us--babies, calves, colts and robin eggs?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The New Sewing Machine

We have been graced to be given a piano. A family in our church is moving the mother out of her home and was trying to find a home for a spinet piano. They called us asking if we were interested. Although we have a keyboard in the Braddock family, it's still not the same as a real piano. We looked at it last week and had a mover bring it from about 1/2 a mile away to our house Tuesday night. It is going to be a joy to have over the years. Molly is already enjoying playing (hear, "banging") on it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Matchy Matchy

Molly and Toby both in an outfit that 'Amai and Auntie KK bought for one of Molly's showers. I really think they looks similar as newborns. :) I'm sure Toby will grow into himself just like Molly grew into herself. Fun to see the similar pictures though.

In the pictures Molly (right, Nov 2008) is 3 months old and Toby (left, Apr 2010) is 2 months old.

Toby's Baby Dedication

This past Sunday was Toby's baby dedication. Really, it was a dedication for the parents. We are publically committing to raising our son, Toby, in a home that will lead and point him to Jesus. It was a neat time of commitment for our family (along with 12 other families) in front of our Meadowood church family.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Oatmeal anyone?

Molly had oatmeal for breakfast. I'm sure it isn't a surprise that she was eating it all by her self. She even smiled for me when I told her to.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Here is a humorous video of Molly very systematically moving her toys from the basket to the couch.